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See Who's Working

Lantum is a workforce management platform for healthcare organisations, in particular the NHS in the UK. It helps schedule and manage clinical staff, enables clinicians to find extra (locum) work, and allows them to manage their shifts and time-off.

I lead the design, with junior designer Cat, of new product - See Who's Working, a list-based overview of a clinicians entire department rota. Clinicians could see what shifts everyone was working, filter the results, and search for certain staff members.

The main Who is Working screen


Clinical staff work on shift rotations. These shift rotations are organised in a rota, that is usually organised and shared on a spreadsheet. Whilst Lantum automated this process, allowing clinicians to see their shifts in a nicer app view – something was lost in transition.

Clinicians can see their allocated shifts on Lantum Mobile. These are managed and updated in real-time by their manager. Before switching to Lantum, shifts were displayed and shared on a spreadsheet. Even though we've found clinicians massively benefit from moving to Lantum, they lost something in the process.

Before, clinciains could see their entire rota. Not only their own shifts, but everyones. This meant the could see what senior clincians they were on with, what shifts their friends were working, and organise shift swaps with ease.

After hearing this consistently from customer feedback, aswell as flags from our sales teams that an 'entire rota view' for clinicians was one of their biggest objections – we knew we needed to do something.


In collaboration with our mobile squad, myself and Head of Product came up with a loose idea of "See Who's Working". Simply stated, it would expose the entire rota in a read-only format to clinicians in that deparment.

Using a Segment control so clinicians could easy swap between their own shifts and the entire departmentsUsing a Segment control so clinicians could easy swap between their own shifts and the entire departments

When I started work on See Who's Working, I set out a few key design goals that came out of discussions with Head of Product and our sales team, who had been the first people to raise the problem in the first place. They were as follows:

  • Visiblity: The core issue here is lack of visiblity and information. Clinicians were not seeing the breadth of information they needed and relying alternative methods to source information.
  • Searchability: It's easy to not see the wood for the trees. By providing more information, we should be mindful that finding some specific needs to be not only possible but simple.
  • Convience: One of the key selling points of Lantum over existing solutions is how quick and easy it is to do what you need to do. We need to be considerate we don't spoil that and keep true to what makes Lantum useful.
  • Privacy: Certain information may want to be hidden from view. Events like compassionate leave may have a private reason attached to it that a clinician may not want displayed to everyone else.
A chronological list view displayed the shifts by person with the shift time plus additional information e.g lables for allocationA chronological list view displayed the shifts by person with the shift time plus additional information e.g lables for allocation

SWW is organised in a chronological list view. All rotas are organised by time first. The two most important pieces of information you need are 'Who is working on X day?' and 'What shfit are they working?'. Additional information was useful, such as labels that related to allocation or shift types.

We already had an established pattern of different colours relating to different categories of shifts (e.g green are normal shifts, blue are night shifts, purple is annual leave). We followed the same pattern here in SWW so that this view felt familiar, using the same language across the product.

By default the display is the current week, but pulling down on the calendar exposes the entire month, exposing familiar mobile gestures ANIMATE ME!By default the display is the current week, but pulling down on the calendar exposes the entire month, exposing familiar mobile gestures ANIMATE ME!

A calendar sits, fixed at the top of the view, allowing for quick navigation across time. By defaulting to the current date, clinicians can always see who is working today easily but also can jump to a specific date. For example, if they want to swap a shift next week and need to see who is available.


This was part of our 2023 iniatives: 150 depratments using Lantum everday and 100% department retention.

Overall this product was very successful as not having it was one of our biggest rejections during the sales process. After launch, we rapidly adopted more departments and exceed our yearly target. We recieved great feedback from customers, making SWW a big driver of our user satisfaction rating.